Thursday, October 9, 2008

5 month old Baby Boy

SO! He may not be three like I wanted... although I still think I have a three year old boy somewhere on earth... But we are applying for a five month old boy in Ghana, Africa. I asked the Lord if I could have him and I think the answer is yes. If it is not... well it doesn't hurt to try. I know very little as my good friend Jessie Coleman pointed out by being intrigued and asking a lot of good questions. We know his age, his location, and that they are trying to find a LDS family to foster care while we wait on the paperwork. US side 2 to 3 months. Other than that, your guess is as good as ours.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cougar Blue, Through and Through!

Every game day, Paul takes Madison outside "for important business." He takes his makeshift flag pole and places it in our front yard. Madison and Paul then sings the fight song. SHE knows all the words. She ends it with the traditional RAH RAH RAH and a cheer move. GO COUGS!

The ZOO!

All the animals were lively and fun to watch. The cougar paced back and forth and over his territory waiting for lunch. The bear was eating lunch. The elephants were picking up wood and throwing it. The baby orangatan was climbing, swinging, and playing. The wolf was getting his food out of a ball on the fence and was biting at wasps. The Tiger was our favorite. He marked his territory, got a drink, paced along the bridge and to his water hole, and soaked in it. Fun, Fun, Fun!

Time with you @ the ZOO!

Friday we were able to go to the Zoo as a family. It was so nice to be able to spend time together. At lunch though, I got teary eyed as we only had Madison to entertain us. I was said that our other children were not in our family yet. They should be here! Madison was so good, and Paul and I were able to enjoy the day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Stephanie

Thank you so much for all you do for me and my family...especially Little Madison who thinks you really are the queen.