Can you say Budget Film... Bad script, bad acting, bad costumes, bad make-up, bad effects... Twilight gave HORRIBLE a whole new name.
Ok, I knew I should have not even tried to go to the movie theater... Sorry my friends and neighbors... I really wish I would have known that this was a LOW budget film. I had no idea about that, which was my downfall. My only expectation was that it wasn't going to follow the book. (understatement)
Let us start with the script. Stephanie Myers writing strength is in her dialog. It was simple, beautiful, and told us all we needed to know about the characters and their interactions. Her dialog should have been used. Instead the screen play gave the characters goofy lines, ruined the Dog and Cat contrast by making them monkeys, and opted to cater to a teen fan base when really the target audience is much broader.
From the opening credits, I was done. Isabella's monotone narrative was to say the least, dreadful. The whole leaving Arizona was drawn out and could have been accomplished through daydreaming while on an airplane. Likewise the whole Edward missing school and Bella alone at school...drawn out. But the most drawn out part was Bella investigating what Edward was. We all know he is a vampire already. Why not spend the most part on developing their relationship? This is a LOVE story, not a mystery to solve.
Back to the opening, the death of the deer. It took that vampire an awfully long time to kill a deer, and yet in the remainder of the movie the director tried to show their speed. HUMMMMMM. And do Monkeys hunt down animals? Not usually. I think they are really in trouble for the next book where the wolves come in. Do wolves climb trees? Because if I was a vampire who enjoyed climbing trees, I would just avoid the dogs on the ground. So you say Cats climb trees? Yes they do, but they also have teeth, speed, strength, and stealth.
Why did the vampires have to look like freaks? Edward said that everything about him draws people to him (them). Right... well then make them seductive, graceful, charming. (oh like the book! What a concept!)
.... Lets talk about the kiss. I didn't see the passion or romance at all in this movie. I guess I prefer a good old fashion romance where the guy respects a woman. I prefer sexual tension and delayed gratification. A man who wants it, but who can control his desires and passions. Edward showed up unannounced and uninvited into her room for the first time (according to her knowledge in the movie...) He said nothing, but practically forced himself on a half dressed girl. CHEAP! Maybe there would have been a little more romance if Bella could act. Unfortunately her scared and passion were the same.
Acting...perform a fictional role in a play, movie, or television production. I was in a play once. My mom asked if I was in love with the guy that played opposite me. I had to tell her I was acting. I just expected good acting. The only characters I enjoyed were Jessica and James. Victoria did good too... she didn't have any lines to ruin. Edward was stiff and uncomfortable looking. Oh, he is really good at acting like someone walked in dog crap! I think the characters were just under developed. We didn't see enough of who they were and what they did. We were left to compare with the book....AND THAT is where the movie failed.
Make up, costumes, lighting, special effects...NON EXISTENT. Oh wait they did manage to steal Martha Stewart Glitter to make Edward look like a fairy princess. And some baseball pants for Roselle to wear through half the movie.
I don't even want to discuss the above problems. They speak for themselves.
So I am getting ready to reread the book so I can recapture the true essence of the best love story since Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet, and Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. Too bad the Movie missed a great opportunity to tell a good story. One day someone will come along and remake Twilight and we can have this remarkable, unforgettable experience we were suppose to have.