Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday Tell All-Professional Help

Everybody knows I need professional help.... but seriously. The first thing I would do is seek professional help with cleaning out my old PC. What does that stand for anyway a seriously old computer? I am a Mac user now only because Paul rubs shoulders with other Mac users who swear by them. Well now I need professional help with my Mac as well. SO I guess I would seek computer classes so I could become a technical geek. 

Yeah so after that I would seek professional help on HAIR and SKIN care for African children. I have to do that before we adopt however so it is not a WOULD it is an absolute MUST. 

I would love to and might take a Jazz dance class just for the heck of it.  If I had money I would take a pottery class. Or I would go back to college and just take courses that sounded interesting. 

1 comment:

Haley Marie Tolzmann said...

Hi love, I updated photography onto a photography blog. I'm not done editing it... but for tonight I am because well, it's almost 2 AM and I need to go to bed. Love you. Oh and call me cause I have a question about this dang website. holler.