Thursday, May 1, 2008

Weight Watchers Update

So I should probably wait till next thursday to share, but keeping this posted helps me stay focused on the plan. Next week, I will reach my 10% goal of losing 17 pounds. I am one pound away.  I am a little nervous because I will need to set another goal which could be 10% again or a goal weight between 117-146. Of course I would love to weigh 117 if I was 18 again, but 146 seems high. So I am debating on saying 146 to get lifetime membership at W.W. and then shooting for 135. 
Gosh that number seems so far away. 20 more pounds to go. Yikes.  I will have to for sure lay off the cookies...I ate 10 in a row on Sunday. That is 30 points and finished the 2 remaining on monday 6 points. On Tuesday, ate 22 points in one hour with mexican food and an Adventure Snickers Bar.  (I only get 23 points a day)   I still lost 2 pounds by being good two days out of the week. If I would follow the plan ALL week long. I could lose 5 pounds in a week right now. Who the hell wants to do that?


Unknown said...

Just remember, the offer still stands...

a little chat with pat said...

Oh, hi publius (what the heck is publius???)
Wow, you thin girl. You make me laugh. Thanks, I needed that today. You are motivating me. Considering I had plain tuna, a hard boiled egg, and some NUTS for lunch, I'm pretty cranky right now. So I had to take desperate measures and get a small diet coke before I punched my next customer. This is going to be a long weight loss nightmare....

Stephanie said...

Well first of all if the Snickers says Adventure on it then it means that you are getting excersise while you eat it, so those points don't count. I am really proud of you for doing this. You are a great motivator!!

Friendofflash said...

Thanks ya'll. you can too. WE CAN DO HARD THINGS! and I sipped Paul's diet coke last night. I feel ashamed.

BrookeLynn said...

Heidi, I can't believe you broke your own WOW. I'm in shock. How was it? You're doing awesome. I'm glad you are reaping the rewards of the program. Keep it up, and I'm coming on the shopping spree with you. Maybe I can squeeze some cash from Bens tight A.

kat b. said...

dude it has taken me since kaleb was born and that is 19 mths, to lose 58 lbs. i have 24 more to go and i just cant seem to do it. i even googled "morbid obeseity" last nite to motivate me, well to make me feel skinnier.
i don't know anyone else who needs to lose 58 effen lbs, so discouraging. all the thin people in the world are on weight watchers these days. i'll never catch up.