Tuesday, April 8, 2008

TTA. Do something dangerous.

If I am going to jump on the bandwagon of blogging, I might as well join in the fun of "Tuesday Tell All." So danger huh? In my twenty's I have done enough to scare the living daylights out of me. I rode on the back of a guys motor cycle on a two lane highway at 100 miles per hour. I parasailed in Mexico... Couldn't figure out how to get down and almost landed on the roof of a building. I rode the subway into Mexico City and when the doors opened men pushed us on groping us from one stop to the next. And those are the things I did sober. 
I swam across a lake 5 months pregnant with jean shorts because the walk around to return to a camp was to long. I had to tread water forever because the dog was afraid to swim with me. 

Now what would I want to do? Nothing. I realize now that life is precious and that I was close to death too many times in the past. 


Anonymous said...

What did you do, scan this photo? Nice post, especially the groping part. I'm glad you included that in. Nice touch.

I like how I did not make the "People Who Care" list. Hmmmmmm

Friendofflash said...

dear publius I searched the net for your blog and couldn't find it. Of course I couldn't remember the site, and you had gone to bed. Now you are playing basketball and probably getting ready to eat at a fancy eating place. Call me when you have time or when you care.

The Adamson Chipmunks said...

Nice picture, Heidi. It is amazing how the older you get the more cautious you become. I am the same way. Oh, will you invite my mom to your blog? She very much wants to see your blog.
Her e-mail is:
kathy.carling@nedo.edu Thanks!

a little chat with pat said...

How dare you do all those dangerous things!!! Give me a heart attack. I may not be able to read on. Madre

Tobias said...

Heidi. This is you cousin Kody. Looks fun. I found your blog through my sisters. I, even at an early age of 26, am starting to become a wimp as well. I think I have pasted the point in my life where if I am healthy I am happy.